Monday, August 30, 2010

Things are looking up..........

Or is that looking down. Seems I've managed to lose around 1kg over the last week. And considering I haven't gotten serious about getting healthy until the last couple of days, I think it's an awesome effort. Ate great today, didn't stray at all, not even for a small nibble. Was so hard at school though, with a few others getting hot chips with gravy for lunch. Didn't budge though, stuck to my salad sandwich and soup. Even organised enough to have made a salad with leftover roast pork for lunch tomorrow.

Went to gym straight from school today. Was a struggle though, was quite a slow boring day, so really couldn't be bothered going. Dragged myself there though, and feel awesome for doing it. Now enjoying my wine substitute in diet lime and soda. Have it in my wine glass, so I feel like I'm having a drink.

Am glad I decided to join up with Michelle, it's just the bit of motivation and support that I needed to get back on track. My supps arrived today, well I assume they did, have a sorry we missed you card, and that's the only thing I'm expecting. So will pick that up tomorrow. Bit more protein, hydroxycuts and chromium tablets, which will hopefully help with the cravings.

Well must go, kids are arguing about going to bed. Some days I feel like a UN negotiator, I'd be good at it anyway.



Sunday, August 29, 2010

Great day

Have had an awesome day. Cooked sausage rolls, banana cake and choc chip cookies for the family. And resisted it all. In fact had a great day of food and drink. For the first time in weeks, I've had more than  a sip of water. Lost count, but would've been at least 2 litres of water. I did have a couple more coffee's than usual though. That was mainly because I forgot to take my green tea bags to work. Must remember them this week. Also got quite a bit of housework done before I went to work.

Have started on my protein shakes, and hydroxy cuts again. Will go to gym after school tomorrow. Probably just some more cardio. Am hanging out for the 12WBT, to start officially, can't wait to see what torture, I mean programs Michelle has planned for us. Feeling really positive right now, and feel like I can and will achieve anything over the next 12 weeks.

Well should think about heading to bed, big day of school tomorrow. This is one thing I need to work on, getting to bed at an reasonable hour. And not try to do everything all at once.



Friday, August 27, 2010

Getting real

Well nearly a week down in pre season, and feeling really good about it all. Task 2 for this week is about getting real and the excuses we make. I've been thinking about it long and hard about the excuses that I make in regards to exercise and healthy food choices. And was promptly hit with a few home truths. I realised there has been nothing stopping me from getting to where I want to be, for the last 3 years, it's the 'buts' that have stopped me. So I vow from this moment on, the word 'but' is no longer in my vocabulary. There will only be I will and I can.

Getting prepared for the challenge. Brought a couple of new gym outfits. Got them slightly smaller, so I have to lose weight and tone up, otherwise I won't be wearing them, ever. Also got a new MP3, my old one would hold 30 songs if it was lucky. So uploaded 110 songs to it today, would've done more, just ran out of time. Went to gym twice this week, 45 mins each time on the treadmill. So good to be back again. Geez my butt hurts though. Was interesting working the last 2 nights, with walking all the time. Am looking at getting a good pedometer, am interested to see how far I walk in an average shift. I feel like tonight, I've walked close to a marathon.

So off to a great start to the challenge. Food is getting better, and slowly getting into the exercise again. Next thing will be to get the dreaded bathers out for some before and after photos. I really need to do it, as I know that I'll lose weight,  and won't see it. Will think of myself as where I am now, even if it is 25 kg that I've lost.

Okay think I will sign off, feeling weary, need my beauty sleep.



Tuesday, August 24, 2010

New dreams.....New beginnings

The time has come to face facts. I'm no longer 65kg, nor do I remotely look like I weigh 65kg. That eating a bag of chips each day, on top of the countless chocolate bars and the bottles of wine, is not going to assist with a healthy lifestyle. So I'm going to join in with Michelle Bridges 12WBT. I need a challenge, I need a push and most of all I need some support.

So from today this is the start of a new healthy lifestyle. One where I put myself first and get my love of the gym back again.

So guess a little about me, I'm Mel, mum to 2, wife to 1. I'm currently studying my Cert III in Aged Care and am hoping to go onto my Bach of nursing next year. I'm working in a local aged care facility, between going to school 3 days a week and running around after the family. So very busy around here.

Off to get this dream started!!!

